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Disco Elysium's System Requirements Have Been Cut Right Down So More People Can Enjoy It

If you were having trouble running Disco Elysium on your PC or Mac before, fear not--the latest update will just about let you run the game on older hardware.


Disco Elysium is a game that everyone should play--which is why we gave it a 10/10--but its system requirements might have impacted enjoyment or locked out some players who wanted to experience it on a lower-end system. But now, thanks to the new Working Class update, more PCs and Macs are supported.

The new requirements mean that players with 2GB of RAM and older video cards can experience the game, and players who saw performance issues before might find that the game is smoother for them now.

Here are the new system requirements, so you can see if your PC is capable of running one of 2019's best games.

New PC minimum

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  • Windows 7 and DirectX 11 compatible video card (integrated or dedicated with min 512MB memory)
  • 2GB RAM
  • Intel Core 2 Duo
  • 20GB hard disk space

New Mac minimum

  • MacBook Pro: from mid 2009
  • MacBook Air: from mid 2012
  • iMac: from late 2009
  • Mac Pro: from late 2008
  • Mac mini: from 2009

Multiple new languages are being worked on for the game, too. Work is underway to translate the game into Spanish, Korean, Russian, and Portuguese-Brazilian, while there are also plans for French and German translations.

The game has also received a new patch, and is currently discounted by 25% on Steam. Here are the patch notes:

  • First - moved to a new version of Unity, which itself has tons of optimizations and goodies.
  • Hunted, found and fixed weird cases on some resolutions where the last word of the sentence was missing. Like …
  • Corrected some typos and some wordings, to mean things. To say stuff.
  • Literally, hundreds of optimizations throughout the game and graphics engine, to streamline the code and to make it less resource hungry. To reach a wider audience.
  • Fixed some animations - like fixing out of sync hands.
  • Fixed some other animations - running and walking around after consuming various liquids
  • Fixed broken menu navigation functionality. All that was accessible is still accessible.
  • Updated end-credits. Play it through to see some new names!

If you're not a PC or Mac player, Disco Elysium is also coming to consoles--including the Nintendo Switch.

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