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New media: Maximo: Ghosts to Glory

Capcom release new screenshots from its highly impressive, yet relatively ignored, PS2 game.


Capcom has released a handful of new screenshots from Maximo: Ghosts to Glory for the Sony PlayStation 2. In the game, players assume the role of Maximo and must rescue six captive princesses. Based loosely on Ghouls-'n-Ghosts, several elements in the world of Maximo pays homage to Capcom's classic side-scroller. For example, when Maximo is hit he loses his armor, much like Arthur in Ghouls-n-Ghosts. Still, much of the gameplay is Maximo is new and elements such as the ability to powerup weapons should add to the overall gameplay experience.

Maximo is being developed by the company's US-based Capcom Digital Studio. It will be released early next year for the PS2.

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