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The World Ends With You Is Getting An Anime Adaptation

The beloved DS/Switch game will release an anime, and it'll be unveiled as part of the upcoming Anime Expo Lite.


The World Ends With You is getting an anime adaptation, which will bring the game's style to animation. Not much has been unveiled about the anime yet, but that's set to change very soon.

A website for The World Ends With You anime is currently counting down to a reveal, which will take place as part of Anime Expo Lite. The event will run as a free livestream across July 3 and 4. The reveal will happen on July 3 at 6 PM PT.

The game's official Twitter account is currently counting down, too. Further details have not been revealed, though, so we're going to have to wait to find out anything about this anime, including whether it will be a series or a movie.

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Now Playing: The World Ends With You - Final Remix Trailer

The game, which was beloved on DS and fairly well-received on Switch, is an RPG with fantasy elements set in Shibuya with touch screen combat elements. It's unclear as of yet what the anime will entail, or whether it will adapt the same story as the game.

Check back with GameSpot next week for more details on The World Ends With You anime.

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