What is the point, exactly?

User Rating: 3 | Dead by Daylight PC

A friend gifted me this and after playing it for an hour, I thanked him and logged off, resolving to never play again. This is a game that suffers terribly from imbalance at a conceptual level. The concept is that you're one of a few survivors (henceforth referred to as Meat) running from a slasher villain. In keeping with that theme, the killer can find you any number of ways, and once you're in his sights, your number is up. While that might make for a fun movie, it's not an idea that translates well to a video game.

The idea is that the Meat can win by repairing a number of generators and escaping. This is a lengthy and time-consuming process, but it sounds doable, right? WRONG! This is a slasher movie, and of course any time the Meat tries to do something, the killer knows about it and is right behind them. If you try and run anywhere, the killer will overtake you quickly. If you somehow manage to duck out of sight, he'll follow your footprints right to you. If you miss one of the completely arbitrary QTEs that happen when repairing a generator (and you WILL miss them, because you get less than half a second to process the randomized timing and respond), the killer will know. If the killer takes you to an altar to sacrifice you, you can potentially be rescued, but there's nothing to stop the killer from standing over you until you die, and even then he can just follow your blood right to you now that you've come off a round of meat-hook sodomy.

There's also some kind of perk tree which seems completely superfluous, since none of the perks will give you any tangible benefit, like a more lenient QTE or faster generator repair. They're all things like "if you get rescued from a meat hook, the killer won't be able to track your footsteps for the next 10 seconds." Or "wild animals won't make noise when you're near." Oh no, the killer has to rely on only *4* easy methods of tracking you down instead of 5? Whatever will he do?

Of course, in the best case scenario, the remaining Meat will fix all the generators while you're being mauled and they can escape. So you still technically win, even though you did nothing but get killed. Wow. What fun. What really baffles me is reading all the other user reviews saying that the game is constantly being rebalanced to make one side or the other more powerful. When a game is constantly in need of rebalancing because one side or the other is too strong, it really just proves how fundamentally mismatched they are. Which, again, is kind of the point of a slasher film. But this is a game, not a movie, and this concept simply does not translate to an interactive medium.