The first big game for the ps4 starts the console off right

User Rating: 9 | inFamous: Second Son PS4

Story: 8/10

After Delsin discovers that he is also a conduit that can absorb the powers of other conduits, he sets out to Seattle to find Brooke Augustine, a woman who attacked several of Delsin’s friends in his hometown. As Delsin meets up with more conduits he becomes more powerful until he is ready to take on Augustine. The game takes a few other surprises which I don’t want to spoil, but although the story is on the shorter side, it does add great depth to the game, making sure you’ll see this one to the end.

Characters/Character Development: 8.75/10

Good interactions between not only Delsin and Reggie, but also all of the characters give you a feeling of why that person acts the way they do, making you feel so much more for almost every character seen, even the villains of the game.

Gameplay: 9/10

Infamous does a great job of letting you go where you want, when you want, and with the karmic additions added in, you can play how you want, wither it be save everyone or kill them all this game does a fantastic job of not holding your hand through the game. The powers you’re granted also give you enough diversity to keep it original. Although all the powers do similar things, each power does enough to feel different and fresh. The karmic values are still pretty basic, as there isn’t much reasoning to choosing an evil action other than the fact than to let out your sadistic tendencies, but this is just a small detail and won’t prevent you from having fun or take you out of the game.

Graphics 9/10

Seattle looks amazing, even subtle things like watching someone get caught in your smoke looks really good. Sucker punch did a fantastic job of just about every detail in this game.

Difficulty: 5.75/10 (on medium) (0 being the easiest, 10 being the hardest)

This game for the most part provides you with a good challenge and prevents you from getting stuck at any one point, that being said, the occasional boss fight will take you a few tries and trying to fight the giant angel is so exhausting you may just have to set the game down for a while.

Fun: 9.25/10

This is going to be a game where you’re going to want to do everything; free every district and collect every blast shard. This is not because the game is short, but because it provides you with a great sense of accomplishment where you have dropped a district to 0%. Not only that, but the powers you’re granted make you really want to go and test them out.

Recommend For:

  • · Ps4 owners
  • · Fans of the Infamous series
  • · Fans of open world games