The power of Three

User Rating: 6 | Trinity Trigger PS5

This is a game that can easily slip your mind. I went months after starting this game just not remembering I even played it. It is not a bad game in any way, it just feels like something that was on a DS or the PS2. It's visually fine, it's colorful and perfectly clear. Characters are well defined and combat is smooth. The story is good enough but nothing spectacular. You will journey across the land in your quest to bring peace even if you are the chosen warrior of chaos.

If you miss the days of couch Co-op this may be the game for you, it's fun in a group and simple enough to pick up at any time. Up to three people can play together. With the design of the world you will be given winding paths fit for group combat encounters. Nothing too challenging, nothing too easy. Boss encounters give some challenge, learning the pattern of the boss is key to surviving the heaviest of hits. This game is best with a friend, and furthermore best if found on a discount.

In the end this game isn't the best you will find on the Playstation, it's far too shallow. Without the Co-Op it's still playable but likely will not stick in your mind and you will find yourself straying to different more fleshed out games.