A game that deserved so much more than it got

User Rating: 9 | U-four-ia: The Saga NES
Once in a while it happens - a truly awesome game is published, but for some reason it never reaches the mainstream gamer. Ufouria is one of those games. Almost forgotten today, when it should be remembered by any serious gamer as an instant classic.

It was only released in Japan, Europe and Australia, which may be an explanation to why so few have heard of this game and even fewer has played it.

Due to the limited release of the English versions of the NES game, it is today quite rare and hard to come by. This is really sad, because it's (in my opinion) one of the greatest games ever released to the NES.

GAME PLAY (8/10):
Ufouria is a side-scrolling adventure game, and you can play as this four really weird characters, Bop-Louie, Freeon-Leon, Shades and Gil, each with different abilities. The game is really fun to play, because you never know what might turn up around the next corner. The whole game is filled with weird bosses, funny enemies, memorable items and so on. When you play it through for the first time, it can sometimes be a bit annoying, because it never really tells you what to do next and where you should go, but for most of the time it's just plain fun to play.

GRAPHICS (10/10):
The graphics are really great for a NES-game. Nice, clean colors, and you always understand what things are (which is rather amazing, due to the fact that it's an old game).

STORY (7/10):
Well, the story is a strange one, but at least it's quite original! It is four friends, each of a different species, who live in the world of Ufouria. One day, they stumble upon a crater, and everyone fall in. When the game begins, you awaken as Bop-Louie in a strange world you have never seen before, and you travel around to find your friends and to find a way back to Ufouria.

SOUND (9/10):
There is a lot of great songs and themes in Ufouria, I especially favorite the main theme, and the theme of the password screen. The quality of the sound is of course not good, with only 8-bit.

If you ever get a chance to play this fantastic game, you really should! I'm pretty sure you won't regret it. Hopefully this game will be released on Wii's Virtual Console sometime in the future.