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#1 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

I have no pc, all I have is iPhone lol. If I sent one of you guys the pics I wanted combined could you do it for me real quick? All I want is to cut this dude out of one pick, cut this girl from my pic, and then add me to the spot where the dude was. It doesn’t have to be perfect at all I just want to have a pic of me standing with her when we were younger. It’s a long story but we always talk about had we meant sooner. Thank you guys sooo much for the info.

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#2 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

I have no pc, all I have is iPhone lol. If I sent one of you guys the pics I wanted combined could you do it for me real quick? All I want is to cut this dude out of one pick, cut this girl from my pic, and then add me to the spot where the dude was. It doesn’t have to be perfect at all I just want to have a pic of me standing with her when we were younger. It’s a long story but we always talk about had we meant sooner. Thank you guys sooo much for the info.

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#3 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

I’m wanting to do a sweet thing for my gf and I know it’s pretty simple but I have no idea how to edit things. Anyways , I wanted to take a pic of me in 8th grade and one of her in 8th grade and cut the girl standing by me and insert her there and then write something like “ I wish I could have met you sooner”. I know it’s cheesy but we always talk about what it would have been like had we met bscn then. Can anyone help me out on here? I can send u the pics and stuff. It should only take maybe 15 min to do. I tried on an editing app in my phone and got it somewhat reasonable but then it said I had to pay money to keep fixing it. I would really appreciate any help. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

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#4 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

Is it a game that you have to look online and read manuals and guides to really enjoy or can you just learn it on your own and make a decent character on your own? I guess i kind of get paralysis from analysis from games like this. I think too hard where i want to put stats in and thus makes me just turn the game off to think more about it lol.

Also, is it the type of game where you are doing a quest and suddenly in the near distance something catches your eye and you go look at it and before long you realize 3 hours have passed and you have not done the quest you were originally on but are doing something totally different?? That’s one thing i loved about the recent Zelda games especially totk. I would find these cool tantalizing items not because a marker told me but because i was exploring. Is it anything like that?? Btw thanks for the replies everyone.

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#5 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

@RSM-HQ: I can handle difficulty to an extent, I’m more interested in leveling up and the progression systems. Do you get the satisfying feeling of progression as you level up and get better and better loot? Is the progression actually felt and seen for instance ,not being able to beat a boss but then coming back 15 hours of gameplay later and absolutely annihilating the same boss? That’s what I’m wondering more or less.

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#6 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

I’m pretty new to from software games. I did give dark souls a try for a few hours but didn’t fall in love with it. The closest thing I’ve completed that would even remotely compare to a from software game is Jedi survivor and I know that doesn’t really compare lol.

Anyways I keep hearing people saying it’s hard but not too hard and if you keep dying at a boss or location, that you can go off and sort of level up to get stronger and then come back. This sounds silly asking this but How does this work? Are there other side quests spread out that you can do to level up and then come back? Is there a sort of grinding aspect to it?

One of my fav games of all time is Zelda botw and totk and what I loved about those games was the fact if I couldn’t beat a certain part of had difficulty I could visit the shrines and solve them and get my hearts and endurance and come back. Is that sort of how elden ring works?? I love the power fantasy of being super weak and then by getting better but also upgrading my character stats and health I am then able to destroy enemies that once seemed impossible. I absolutely despise games that scale up to your level because what’s the point of leveling up if they level up with you?

Based on the little amount I have told you, do you guys think I will enjoy this game??

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#7 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

Beating left for dead on the hardest difficulty. It was pretty tough.

Also there was one for halo odst or reach for firefight mode I can’t remember. It was so freaking hard and took so long. I was super hyped when I got that.

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#8 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

Tech is getting crazy. I just started using chat gpt for random things and some of the absurd questions I ask it and the fact it under stands my questions is mind boggling. For instance I was arguing about football with someone and asked it “ tell me recent elite wide receivers to win a Super Bowl”. It gave me precise and great info , exactly what I was looking for. We got to remember this is as bad as it’s going to be as far as being primitive and it’s already amazing. With anything close to exponential growth the next ten years are going to be spooky how sci fi Ai is going to get.

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#9  Edited By tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

I just want a rpg game or game like red dead redemption that I can make genuine conversations with npcs and that they will remember our interactions and what we talked about. I’ve seen some crude videos of games using chat gpt mods and it was super cool but it was really basic and basically functioned like a regular chat bot. I can’t wait until its gotten upgraded to where you can tell your npc companions that we should rob this character or kill this character and each npc has its own personality and will act accordingly and change based on what happens in the game. I think we are closer to that being a reality than many think especially with all the investments in AI technology that companies are putting forth. When do you guys seeing this becoming a reality? Will this be the next buzzword to sell next gen systems like ray tracing and path tracing are today??

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#10 tpz4sheezy
Member since 2017 • 84 Posts

I’ve seen videos where people have used mods on some pc games enabling them to chat with random npc characters and it made me wonder when do you guys think this will be put into games like Elder scrolls, GTA, etc? I know some games are already doing this on a super small scale but when do you think the big games will start doing this? Next gen maybe???