Joe Biden announces mass pardon for fed marijuana possession convictions. Starts process to remove Schedule 1 status

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#51  Edited By jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts
@eni232 said:


I don't know if you pot heads are born stupid or just live in the sky All DAY. Nicotine does not have a effect on you like drugs do or marijuana. You literally should not be driving while high or really doing anything for that matter. People take smoke breaks that work in hospitals for gods sake. Yes it's bad for the person smoking health wise but they are not impaired like when 'people' smoke weeds.

I never condoned driving while under the influence, and last I checked: driving while under the influence is illegal and it shall remain that way.

So Mr. Pompous, since you see people driving under the influence all the time, how often are you doing the deed of calling the cops on them? If the answer is never, quit bitching so hard with your low IQ insults and start taking initiative outside being a petty, ignorant and miserable keyboard warrior.

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#52 blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16597 Posts

@eni232: First, theres no proof Marijuana is worse than cigarettes. You've seen those images of blackened lungs, the cancer treatments, the cost of our Healthcare to treat these diseases in the trillions of dollars. Meanwhile these punkass cigarette companies make profit legally from all of it while leaving society to foot the bill. Its a shame that these shifty companies weren't buried 6 feet under already and every single person associated with the tobacco industry locked up and thrown in prison to do hard labor for the rest of their lives. And forced to smoke those same cigarettes, oh and no Healthcare for them when their time comes. Doing all that would be too kind for those cigarettes companies bastards. Maybe weed is as bad as cigarettes, maybe not, but there's no evidence.

More importantly, weed isn't addictive to most people. Everyone has smoked weed, and very rarely do people turn into Crack fiends like you claim. I remember going to Amsterdam once, and smoking Marijuana like crazy, i mean by the bags, even ate a weed cake. I came back from the trip and haven't smoked Marijuana that much. I do it at parties, maybe once an year at best, and only if my friends are doing it. Can you say the same about cigarettes? You can't, because almost everyone who does it gets addicted to it.

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#53 ENI232
Member since 2020 • 1007 Posts


I dont know if you are serious or what. You just said what smoking does to lungs, obviously weed smoke does the same. People who regularly smoke it like people do cigarets will have the same effect on lungs. The difference is it effects the brain in a worse way. You can smoke a pack of cigarets a day and still function throughout the day. You cannot smoke 3 joints througout the day and get through normally. Also the impact of weed smoke and people inhaling it from others smoking is also bad. Also this topic isnt for people smoking one blunt at a party a month ago, this topic is for 'people' smoking it regularly and get addicted to it. If you smoke one or two cigarettes you will not get addicted. You will probably have to smoke for sometime before you get that addiction feeling.

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#54 ENI232
Member since 2020 • 1007 Posts


Dont blame the company. You cannot be in this world living blaming this company for selling this or that company for selling that. You want to blame mcdonalds also for selling hamburgers and fries? Or beer companys for selling alcoholic beverages?

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#55 jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@eni232: You're complaining about side effects of being high against people telling you about health effects. Let your ignorance keep shining bright. The more you talk the more you clueless you seem.

You're starting to come off like a chain smoker who's trying to feel less bad about your habits. Lol

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#56 blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16597 Posts

@eni232: maybe it does the same negatives as cigarettes for health, maybe not. There's no real evidence though. I'd like to see it. Also, nobody gets addicted to Marijuana. People smoke it a bunch as kids, as teens, even 20s, but its more social thing than anything else. Once they grow into real adults, they dont, and drop the habit just as quickly. Cigarettes are far more addictive and if youre moronic to believe otherwise. That's just a fact, not an opinion, not fake news, nothing but a statement of truth. From every single thing I've seen in my life up until now, there is zero evidence thar people get addicted to Marijuana like they do cigarettes. You need to let that sink in. And let it sink in good.

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#57 blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16597 Posts

@eni232: you're clueless. If it were up to me, I'd drag these cigarettes companies bastards and have them tarred and feathered, their heads put on a pike for all to see. Also, we already have something similar to our war on drugs. You don't know what we do to cartel members who get caught, and you don't need to. But they got what they deserved. I would support sending our troops into Mexico, and Venezuela and razing it to the ground to destroy all the drug trade.

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#58 JoshRMeyer
Member since 2015 • 12577 Posts

Lot of arguing in here. Pretty simple: weed impairs you. Alcohol in moderation and cigarettes do not. People can do whatever in their own home or a private residence. Just don't leave til you come down from your high and no longer impaired. Alcohol in moderation is actually beneficial to your health. If people abuse it, that's on them. Weed probably has some health benefits too for certain people. I can't find anything good to say about cigarettes.

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#59  Edited By Nirgal
Member since 2019 • 719 Posts

@joshrmeyer: i think current data on alcohol is that it's bad for you even in moderation.

The previous data that claimed that moderate intake of alcohol was good for you, included people that didn't drink because of pre existent health conditions, so it looked like the moderate drinkers were healthier because of some intake of alcohol.

Actually they were just healthier that people that couldn't drink. But If you compare them with people that could drink but didn't want to do it,then it showed a negative health impact.

Alcohol is actually also linked with several forms of cancer and also causes cognitive impairment in the long run if consumed excessively.

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#60 jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@joshrmeyer said:

Lot of arguing in here. Pretty simple: weed impairs you. Alcohol in moderation and cigarettes do not. People can do whatever in their own home or a private residence. Just don't leave til you come down from your high and no longer impaired. Alcohol in moderation is actually beneficial to your health. If people abuse it, that's on them. Weed probably has some health benefits too for certain people. I can't find anything good to say about cigarettes.

Not a single person in this thread has disputed this. Not a single person in this thread has condoned driving under the influence. You guys are a real doozy.

Being high in public is actually not illegal, at least not in California.

You guys are free not to smoke weed, just as much as others are free to consume their weed without having to be delegated as animals.

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#61 palasta
Member since 2017 • 1411 Posts

@eni232 said:


Lul racial slur towards who? I don't know of one race smoking weed. You are probably believing it as that yourself. When you think of monkeys who do you think of race wise. Lul. I think of no one but stupid in human form if I'm referencing someone as a monkey.

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#62 ENI232
Member since 2020 • 1007 Posts


For what. People were smoking tobacco long before a term 'company' even existed in any language. You have to understand there are stupid 'people' in this world. You can see some of them posting in this thread. They are in their own words saying its ok to smoke weed and they also raise their kids that way. Notice all these retards in this country. Same morons playing race cards and how they love doing drugs. You cant hide them, its how their species exist. You dont blame a company for selling stuff its the idiots that make that company $$. If something is bad for you majority of normal people stay away from it and teach their children the same. These morons just like in this thread do what idiots do and raise their kids that way aswell.

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#63 KathaarianCode
Member since 2022 • 3505 Posts

@eni232: You should probably take some thc and relax, there's a lot of anger trapped inside you. Chill bro!

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#65 Eoten
Member since 2020 • 8671 Posts

As the article states, the average Joe pothead in prison for getting caught possessing it are in prison for state-level convictions this will have no effect on. Of the ones with federal convictions, feds are the ones who get involved when things like dealing and trafficking are involved. So this will probably release more drug dealers than drug users.

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#66 MysticalDonut
Member since 2021 • 2505 Posts

@nirgal said:

Legalization is one thing, but it should also come with education. People start thinking that because it's legal it has not harmful effects.

It should be like cigarettes that are legal but heavily adviced against.

I remember the other day, in the hubberman podcast he was saying currently 15% of women consume marihuana (edible, smoked or vaped) during pregnancy and that much of the population was convinced there were no negative health effects.

But this thing fucks your hormones, it can reduce short and long term memory and it slowly degrades cognitive skills and speech capacity.

And the younger you are when you are taking it, the worst the effects.

Cigarettes are far more harmful to the human body than marijuana is

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#67 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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@jaydan said:
@joshrmeyer said:

Lot of arguing in here. Pretty simple: weed impairs you. Alcohol in moderation and cigarettes do not. People can do whatever in their own home or a private residence. Just don't leave til you come down from your high and no longer impaired. Alcohol in moderation is actually beneficial to your health. If people abuse it, that's on them. Weed probably has some health benefits too for certain people. I can't find anything good to say about cigarettes.

Being high in public is actually not illegal, at least not in California.

That's very inaccurate. lol

I can take someone to jail for H&S 11550 or PC 647(f). And yes, I've done it for cannabis.

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#68 JoshRMeyer
Member since 2015 • 12577 Posts

@eoten: I was thinking the same thing. Only people this will benefit are dealers. No one goes to federal prison for simple possession. Now I have to wonder why this is a good thing?

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#69  Edited By jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@Stevo_the_gamer: Clear it up for me then, because I hear different stories, even from cops on my own personal accounts of just talking to them. You also see those YouTube pranksters who walk up to cops saying "I'm so high right now" and the cops are just like "cool story bro, have fun with that."

Is it more that people just don't really give a shit, but a cop can still cite you or take you if they really cared?

The difference is between being simply high in public versus a cop visibly seeing you doing it if I'm not mistaken, is that correct?

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#70 JoshRMeyer
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@jaydan: Yes, you are free to do as you please with your body. Like I was saying, just don't drive or do anything that could endanger someone else while you decide to get high.

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#71 jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@joshrmeyer said:

@jaydan: Yes, you are free to do as you please with your body. Like I was saying, just don't drive or do anything that could endanger someone else while you decide to get high.

I agree. :)

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#72 JoshRMeyer
Member since 2015 • 12577 Posts

@nirgal: That's news to be. I've always heard a glass of wine or a beer has health benefits. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd be surprised if a small amount of alcohol has any negative effect on the body. I believe drinking with food can help digestion. Could be wrong though.

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#73 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: Clear it up for me then, because I hear different stories, even from cops on my own personal accounts of just talking to them. You also see those YouTube pranksters who walk up to cops saying "I'm so high right now" and the cops are just like "cool story bro, have fun with that."

Is it more that people just don't really give a shit, but a cop can still cite you or take you if they really cared?

The difference is between being simply high in public versus a cop visibly seeing you doing it if I'm not mistaken, is that correct?

I just did. I gave you the specific statutory violations. I wouldn't take YouTube pranksters as codified proof of something being "legal" but you do you, champ.

Vast majority of law enforcement lack the drug recognition expert training, and don't have the time to do a 11550 evaluation. The 647(f) arrest is mostly used to solve problems because the punishment is effectively an adult time out. The jail will release them via 849 but if you have a drunk idiot (drugs or alcohol) causing an issue, you can solve that issue by taking them into custody for being drunk in public.

I can do the 11550 evaluation and take them to jail or cite them into the care and custody of another adult if I so please. I can't drive a block without some homeless tweek being high on something, so it will always come down to solving issues. Another tool in the tool belt. As the old saying goes, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

I would do it to someone on cannabis to make a point, especially if they're some UC Berkeley student failing the attitude test. Vast majority of my evaluations are for DUIs however.

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#74  Edited By jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@Stevo_the_gamer: I appreciate your providing of a source, but forgive me I'm just more conversation savvy in just talking and asking questions, and hearing what you say.

So despite regulations in place, it's mostly just a slap on the wrist or "time-out" as you say. So that's probably why there's a sizeable portion of cops who just don't care, and others who joke "it's the crime of the century."

For the most part, stoners are probably not causing as much of an erratic uproar in public like alcoholics might. Like being stoned and taking a hike is probably not causing a scene, and eating a giant ice cream sundae at your ice cream shop probably isn't causing much of a scene either. Of course there's always exceptions I'm sure you've seen of potheads being disruptive and irresponsible like getting behind the wheel, but my hunch is also inclined to believe you probably don't see that as often as you do with drunk people, because drunk people downright lose control and there's really nothing they can do about it. Being high you find yourself impaired but never really lose self-awareness like alcohol does, and that I would say is a key difference between the two.

Also a homeless tweek is likely on something else, and the pot is the least of your worries knowing what other drugs they do. Lol

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#75 tjandmia
Member since 2017 • 3750 Posts

I can't wait to hear from from the dopes on the right how this is going to collapse American society or something.

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#76  Edited By jaydan
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@tjandmia said:

I can't wait to hear from from the dopes on the right how this is going to collapse American society or something.

I don't think weed is much of a political issue, at least not to the general public. From what I've seen most conservatives are cool with Legalization too, and believe me there's stoners on all sides of the political spectrum. Lol

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#77 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 49584 Posts

@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: I appreciate your providing of a source, but forgive me I'm just more conversation savvy in just talking and asking questions, and hearing what you say.

So despite regulations in place, it's mostly just a slap on the wrist or "time-out" as you say. So that's probably why there's a sizeable portion of cops who just don't care, and others who joke "it's the crime of the century."

For the most part, stoners are probably not causing as much of an erratic uproar in public like alcoholics might. Like being stoned and taking a hike is probably not causing a scene, and eating a giant ice cream sundae at your ice cream shop probably isn't causing much of a scene either. Of course there's always exceptions I'm sure you've seen of potheads being disruptive and irresponsible like getting behind the wheel, but my hunch is also inclined to believe you probably don't see that as often as you do with drunk people, because drunk people downright lose control and there's really nothing they can do about it. Being high you find yourself impaired but never really lose self-awareness like alcohol does, and that I would say is a key difference between the two.

Also a homeless tweek is likely on something else, and the pot is the least of your worries knowing what other drugs they do. Lol

I disagree entirely, the cannabis out there isn't the weed my parents hit in the 60s/70s with 6% THC levels. We're seeing such high levels of THC, some concentrates which hit in the high 80s% and 90s%, that it's causing juveniles and adults like to go on some hallucinating trips causing erratic and violent behavior--comparatively worse than alcohol. The last few years have been progressively getting worse and with decriminalization/legalization. It won't get better.

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#78  Edited By jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@Stevo_the_gamer: Hmmm, not in my experience. I've been piss drunk and stoned out of my goddamned mind. I guess from an internal perspective, weed simply does not compare to alcohol. With alcohol if I'm piss drunk there's really nothing I can do about it and people who really take alcoholism to the next level struggle to recount their own actions. With weed I can't say I've ever forgotten what I was doing or lost control of myself entirely. There's reasons why I rarely ever drink these days whereas weed has pretty much become my vice of choice. I simply do not like the complete loss of functions that alcohol does and the subsequent sickness that it brings as a hangover.

Now externally, I can see what you're saying. At the end of the day being under the influence can influence your actions and it doesn't really matter how it's affecting you internally: if you're being stupid and irresponsible in public, you'll get in trouble.

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#79  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58504 Posts
@Stevo_the_gamer said:
@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: I appreciate your providing of a source, but forgive me I'm just more conversation savvy in just talking and asking questions, and hearing what you say.

So despite regulations in place, it's mostly just a slap on the wrist or "time-out" as you say. So that's probably why there's a sizeable portion of cops who just don't care, and others who joke "it's the crime of the century."

For the most part, stoners are probably not causing as much of an erratic uproar in public like alcoholics might. Like being stoned and taking a hike is probably not causing a scene, and eating a giant ice cream sundae at your ice cream shop probably isn't causing much of a scene either. Of course there's always exceptions I'm sure you've seen of potheads being disruptive and irresponsible like getting behind the wheel, but my hunch is also inclined to believe you probably don't see that as often as you do with drunk people, because drunk people downright lose control and there's really nothing they can do about it. Being high you find yourself impaired but never really lose self-awareness like alcohol does, and that I would say is a key difference between the two.

Also a homeless tweek is likely on something else, and the pot is the least of your worries knowing what other drugs they do. Lol

I disagree entirely, the cannabis out there isn't the weed my parents hit in the 60s/70s with 6% THC levels. We're seeing such high levels of THC, some concentrates which hit in the high 80s% and 90s%, that it's causing juveniles and adults like to go on some hallucinating trips causing erratic and violent behavior--comparatively worse than alcohol. The last few years have been progressively getting worse and with decriminalization/legalization. It won't get better.

This problem will more or less solve itself, sort of like the crack epidemic. You get that initial surge, but then everyone sees how crazy the shit is, and they're like "no thanks". It's one of those rare situations where a laissez-faire attitude actually benefits society.

It might get a little worse before it gets better because we are still in that early phase, but it won't get that bad. In either case, has anything we've done historically to improve the situation actually made it better? No? Better try a different strategy; law and order tactics don't work. Legalization/decriminalization has a proven track record of actually reducing drug use and crime provided you have alternative services to supplement.

You are right about the stuff being a lot stronger, especially when concentrated like with "dabs". Saw a friend dab for the first time, dude was walking like Frankenstein's monster lol. That was enough for me to be like "Nah, I'm good."

I'm more worried about the mental health aspect: drugs--any drugs, from alcohol to cannabis to meth--do not mix well with poor mental health. I've seen a lot of stuff happen where people with anxiety or other conditions just don't respond well.

Again, this isn't a drug problem, it's a mental health problem. I used to take Ativan, drank some booze at a wedding, ended up acting like an ass which I never do. Cannabis and anxiety disorder, probably going to make you paranoid. And so on and so forth.

Blaming drug use alone seems misguided.

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#80  Edited By jaydan
Member since 2015 • 8466 Posts

@Stevo_the_gamer: On that note, I did hallucinate from weed once in my entire life, and that only happened in the early days. It was a weird and confusing experience that's for sure. To this day though I have a hunch it could have been laced with salvia. I recall at that time I those kids were interested in that stuff, and my hallucination experience was very nightmarish, and I know one of the other names for salvia is the "nightmare drug". Lol

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#81 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@joshrmeyer said:

@nirgal: That's news to be. I've always heard a glass of wine or a beer has health benefits. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd be surprised if a small amount of alcohol has any negative effect on the body. I believe drinking with food can help digestion. Could be wrong though.

Alcohol in moderation can have health benefits.

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#82 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: Hmmm, not in my experience. I've been piss drunk and stoned out of my goddamned mind. I guess from an internal perspective, weed simply does not compare to alcohol. With alcohol if I'm piss drunk there's really nothing I can do about it and people who really take alcoholism to the next level struggle to recount their own actions. With weed I can't say I've ever forgotten what I was doing or lost control of myself entirely. There's reasons why I rarely ever drink these days whereas weed has pretty much become my vice of choice. I simply do not like the complete loss of functions that alcohol does and the subsequent sickness that it brings as a hangover.

Now externally, I can see what you're saying. At the end of the day being under the influence can influence your actions and it doesn't really matter how it's affecting you internally: if you're being stupid and irresponsible in public, you'll get in trouble.

They do compare because they're both drugs and both result in mental and physical impairment when taken into the body. I understand the draw from heavy cannabis users to defend it vigorously, which is why I get the most entertainment from arresting said users.

@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:
@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: I appreciate your providing of a source, but forgive me I'm just more conversation savvy in just talking and asking questions, and hearing what you say.

So despite regulations in place, it's mostly just a slap on the wrist or "time-out" as you say. So that's probably why there's a sizeable portion of cops who just don't care, and others who joke "it's the crime of the century."

For the most part, stoners are probably not causing as much of an erratic uproar in public like alcoholics might. Like being stoned and taking a hike is probably not causing a scene, and eating a giant ice cream sundae at your ice cream shop probably isn't causing much of a scene either. Of course there's always exceptions I'm sure you've seen of potheads being disruptive and irresponsible like getting behind the wheel, but my hunch is also inclined to believe you probably don't see that as often as you do with drunk people, because drunk people downright lose control and there's really nothing they can do about it. Being high you find yourself impaired but never really lose self-awareness like alcohol does, and that I would say is a key difference between the two.

Also a homeless tweek is likely on something else, and the pot is the least of your worries knowing what other drugs they do. Lol

I disagree entirely, the cannabis out there isn't the weed my parents hit in the 60s/70s with 6% THC levels. We're seeing such high levels of THC, some concentrates which hit in the high 80s% and 90s%, that it's causing juveniles and adults like to go on some hallucinating trips causing erratic and violent behavior--comparatively worse than alcohol. The last few years have been progressively getting worse and with decriminalization/legalization. It won't get better.

This problem will more or less solve itself, sort of like the crack epidemic. You get that initial surge, but then everyone sees how crazy the shit is, and they're like "no thanks". It's one of those rare situations where a laissez-faire attitude actually benefits society.

It might get a little worse before it gets better because we are still in that early phase, but it won't get that bad. In either case, has anything we've done historically to improve the situation actually made it better? No? Better try a different strategy; law and order tactics don't work. Legalization/decriminalization has a proven track record of actually reducing drug use and crime provided you have alternative services to supplement.

You are right about the stuff being a lot stronger, especially when concentrated like with "dabs". Saw a friend dab for the first time, dude was walking like Frankenstein's monster lol. That was enough for me to be like "Nah, I'm good."

I'm more worried about the mental health aspect: drugs--any drugs, from alcohol to cannabis to meth--do not mix well with poor mental health. I've seen a lot of stuff happen where people with anxiety or other conditions just don't respond well.

Again, this isn't a drug problem, it's a mental health problem. I used to take Ativan, drank some booze at a wedding, ended up acting like an ass which I never do. Cannabis and anxiety disorder, probably going to make you paranoid. And so on and so forth.

Blaming drug use alone seems misguided.

That same attitude is why fentanyl, methamphetamines, and other drugs are an absolute mess in California right now.

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#83 jaydan
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@Stevo_the_gamer: I've definitely been trolled by cops too, I understand the entertainment factor. Hell, even I troll stoners when the opportunity arises to sink paranoia into their heads. Lol

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#84 Eoten
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@joshrmeyer said:

@eoten: I was thinking the same thing. Only people this will benefit are dealers. No one goes to federal prison for simple possession. Now I have to wonder why this is a good thing?

Imagine releasing a bunch of drug dealers so the media could spin it into something positive to pot heads less than a month before the election? Lmfao, so desperate.

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#85 Byshop  Moderator
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@joshrmeyer said:

@nirgal: That's news to be. I've always heard a glass of wine or a beer has health benefits. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd be surprised if a small amount of alcohol has any negative effect on the body. I believe drinking with food can help digestion. Could be wrong though.

Alcohol in moderation can have health benefits.

That's been the thinking historically but recent studies have disputed this somewhat. Generally the guidance from the CDC is so long as you keep it to under 2 drinks per day for men or 1 a day for women then you won't suffer the negative consequences of alcohol consumption. More recent studies have suggested that the link between fewer instances of heart disease among moderate wine drinkers may have more to do with diet and other factors rather than the alcohol itself.

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#86 mrbojangles25
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yeah a few studies have said that no alcohol is better than any alcohol. In other words, the whole "two glasses of wine is heart-healthy" thing is not true because no wine is better.

I think the goal of those "a little is OK" studies was to maybe find a middle ground because, hey, people are going to drink no matter what.

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#87  Edited By Nirgal
Member since 2019 • 719 Posts

@mysticaldonut: so Many people are under this impression. They think cigarettes are worse for you than marijuana.

But where does that data come from? They data that i check says the opposite. Maybe you can say marijuana is less addictive, maybe you can say people smoke marijuana less frequently, but less harmful?

That's what I mean when I say people need education. People need to know what happens to you If you smoke marijuana weekly or frequently.

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#88 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@byshop said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@joshrmeyer said:

@nirgal: That's news to be. I've always heard a glass of wine or a beer has health benefits. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd be surprised if a small amount of alcohol has any negative effect on the body. I believe drinking with food can help digestion. Could be wrong though.

Alcohol in moderation can have health benefits.

That's been the thinking historically but recent studies have disputed this somewhat. Generally the guidance from the CDC is so long as you keep it to under 2 drinks per day for men or 1 a day for women then you won't suffer the negative consequences of alcohol consumption. More recent studies have suggested that the link between fewer instances of heart disease among moderate wine drinkers may have more to do with diet and other factors rather than the alcohol itself.

Eh coffee is not good for you. Coffee is good for you category. They first noticed the benefits of wine because of the French paradox. Wherein the French ate a lot of rich food but it didn't have the expected effect.

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#89 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts
@mrbojangles25 said:


yeah a few studies have said that no alcohol is better than any alcohol. In other words, the whole "two glasses of wine is heart-healthy" thing is not true because no wine is better.

I think the goal of those "a little is OK" studies was to maybe find a middle ground because, hey, people are going to drink no matter what.

No it was not.

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#90 mrbojangles25
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@Stevo_the_gamer said:


@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:
@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: ...

I disagree entirely, the cannabis out there isn't the weed my parents hit in the 60s/70s with 6% THC levels. We're seeing such high levels of THC, some concentrates which hit in the high 80s% and 90s%, that it's causing juveniles and adults like to go on some hallucinating trips causing erratic and violent behavior--comparatively worse than alcohol. The last few years have been progressively getting worse and with decriminalization/legalization. It won't get better.

This problem will more or less solve itself, sort of like the crack epidemic. You get that initial surge, but then everyone sees how crazy the shit is, and they're like "no thanks". It's one of those rare situations where a laissez-faire attitude actually benefits society.

It might get a little worse before it gets better because we are still in that early phase, but it won't get that bad. In either case, has anything we've done historically to improve the situation actually made it better? No? Better try a different strategy; law and order tactics don't work. Legalization/decriminalization has a proven track record of actually reducing drug use and crime provided you have alternative services to supplement.

You are right about the stuff being a lot stronger, especially when concentrated like with "dabs". Saw a friend dab for the first time, dude was walking like Frankenstein's monster lol. That was enough for me to be like "Nah, I'm good."

I'm more worried about the mental health aspect: drugs--any drugs, from alcohol to cannabis to meth--do not mix well with poor mental health. I've seen a lot of stuff happen where people with anxiety or other conditions just don't respond well.

Again, this isn't a drug problem, it's a mental health problem. I used to take Ativan, drank some booze at a wedding, ended up acting like an ass which I never do. Cannabis and anxiety disorder, probably going to make you paranoid. And so on and so forth.

Blaming drug use alone seems misguided.

That same attitude is why fentanyl, methamphetamines, and other drugs are an absolute mess in California right now.

Yeah maybe the crack comparison wasn't apt, but my point is that the same approaches we have tried don't apply, and fentanyl and meth are completely different animals relative to cannabis. Being a drug addict for a few years shouldn't ruin your job prospects for the rest of your life.

Also I mentioned we need to supplement it with other support programs. I'm not saying we should stop trying, just that we should try something else.

In either case, throwing people in prison for possession and use solves nothing. You want to go after dealers and producers, that's one thing, but don't mar someone's record and prevent them from getting jobs just because of possession. This is why these pardons are good; not so much for getting people out of prison (though that's nice), but because it expunges the charges from their record (iirc).

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#91  Edited By Nirgal
Member since 2019 • 719 Posts

@mrbojangles25: as much as people oppose this, there should be a massive and constant campaign explaining the short and long term health consequences of marihuana. It should be based on the work in cigarettes.

I think that should be the first step towards complete legalization. It will make people drop that fantasy of cannabis being healthier than tabacco.

Also I don't know if they currently limit THC content but they should.

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#92 JoshRMeyer
Member since 2015 • 12577 Posts

@mrbojangles25: "You want to go after dealers and producers, that's one thing, but don't mar someone's record and prevent them from getting jobs just because of possession."

Isn't this only helping dealers? Do you get put in federal prison for merely possessing marijuana?

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#93 Eoten
Member since 2020 • 8671 Posts

@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:


@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:
@jaydan said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: ...

I disagree entirely, the cannabis out there isn't the weed my parents hit in the 60s/70s with 6% THC levels. We're seeing such high levels of THC, some concentrates which hit in the high 80s% and 90s%, that it's causing juveniles and adults like to go on some hallucinating trips causing erratic and violent behavior--comparatively worse than alcohol. The last few years have been progressively getting worse and with decriminalization/legalization. It won't get better.

This problem will more or less solve itself, sort of like the crack epidemic. You get that initial surge, but then everyone sees how crazy the shit is, and they're like "no thanks". It's one of those rare situations where a laissez-faire attitude actually benefits society.

It might get a little worse before it gets better because we are still in that early phase, but it won't get that bad. In either case, has anything we've done historically to improve the situation actually made it better? No? Better try a different strategy; law and order tactics don't work. Legalization/decriminalization has a proven track record of actually reducing drug use and crime provided you have alternative services to supplement.

You are right about the stuff being a lot stronger, especially when concentrated like with "dabs". Saw a friend dab for the first time, dude was walking like Frankenstein's monster lol. That was enough for me to be like "Nah, I'm good."

I'm more worried about the mental health aspect: drugs--any drugs, from alcohol to cannabis to meth--do not mix well with poor mental health. I've seen a lot of stuff happen where people with anxiety or other conditions just don't respond well.

Again, this isn't a drug problem, it's a mental health problem. I used to take Ativan, drank some booze at a wedding, ended up acting like an ass which I never do. Cannabis and anxiety disorder, probably going to make you paranoid. And so on and so forth.

Blaming drug use alone seems misguided.

That same attitude is why fentanyl, methamphetamines, and other drugs are an absolute mess in California right now.

Yeah maybe the crack comparison wasn't apt, but my point is that the same approaches we have tried don't apply, and fentanyl and meth are completely different animals relative to cannabis. Being a drug addict for a few years shouldn't ruin your job prospects for the rest of your life.

Also I mentioned we need to supplement it with other support programs. I'm not saying we should stop trying, just that we should try something else.

In either case, throwing people in prison for possession and use solves nothing. You want to go after dealers and producers, that's one thing, but don't mar someone's record and prevent them from getting jobs just because of possession. This is why these pardons are good; not so much for getting people out of prison (though that's nice), but because it expunges the charges from their record (iirc).

Dude, again, pay attention to the facts. Even the White House said nobody is in federal prison for "simple possession." Yet, Biden announced pardons for people in prison for "simple possession." Something there isn't adding up. Either nobody is getting released at all and this is all just BS to get you to vote blue, or people convicted for "possession with the intent to distribute" AKA drug dealers. The group of people you say should be focused on. Even on a state level it's very rare for someone to actually get a felony conviction for "simple possession" Which is typically a misdemeanor.

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#94 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58504 Posts

@nirgal said:

@mrbojangles25: as much as people oppose this, there should be a massive and constant campaign explaining the short and long term health consequences of marihuana. It should be based on the work in cigarettes.

I think that should be the first step towards complete legalization. It will make people drop that fantasy of cannabis being healthier than tabacco.

Also I don't know if they currently limit THC content but they should.

You're not wrong.

I think the issue might be that we've been talking about the positives for so long while trying to get it legalized, once it happens we kind of need to dial it down and go "Well, hold on now..." lol.

Thankfully there are many ways to inhale and ingest, and moderate your dosage. With legalization comes regulation, lab testing, etc.

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#95 mrbojangles25
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@eoten said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:


@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:





Dude, again, pay attention to the facts. Even the White House said nobody is in federal prison for "simple possession." Yet, Biden announced pardons for people in prison for "simple possession."...

Yeah I suppose that's a good point.

Honestly I've just been skimming the news concerning this topic; the ball is clearly rolling concerning legalization, so I haven't been following it as closely as I have in the past.

I Just remember reading or hearing there were a few people in prison on "marijuana charges". As Steve-O said in a previous post, maybe there were other more serious charge associated with them as well.

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#96 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@mrbojangles25 said:
@eoten said:

Dude, again, pay attention to the facts. Even the White House said nobody is in federal prison for "simple possession." Yet, Biden announced pardons for people in prison for "simple possession."...

Yeah I suppose that's a good point.

Honestly I've just been skimming the news concerning this topic; the ball is clearly rolling concerning legalization, so I haven't been following it as closely as I have in the past.

I Just remember reading or hearing there were a few people in prison on "marijuana charges". As Steve-O said in a previous post, maybe there were other more serious charge associated with them as well.

Or they did their time but still have a record.

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#97 JimB
Member since 2002 • 3878 Posts

@tjandmia said:

I can't wait to hear from from the dopes on the right how this is going to collapse American society or something.

The Dems already collapsed American society, besides Trump had already pardoned or let most of the people out of proon to be covered by this in 2019.

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#98 JimB
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@JimB said:

Biden is changing his stance, Thirty years ago he wrote the bill to put these same people in jail.

You do know most people do change their stance as new information comes available? Those that don't merely use talking points for votes.

That is what is happening right now. Biden wrote the laws to put young Blacks in prison. Now he needs their votes so he figur3es he will throw them a bone for their vote.

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#99 deactivated-660c2894dc19c
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Next step should be to legalize all drugs. It should person's own choice what to do with his/her body. Good start, but not enough.

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#100 Eoten
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@mrbojangles25 said:
@eoten said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@Stevo_the_gamer said:


@mrbojangles25 said:




Dude, again, pay attention to the facts. Even the White House said nobody is in federal prison for "simple possession." Yet, Biden announced pardons for people in prison for "simple possession."...

Yeah I suppose that's a good point.

Honestly I've just been skimming the news concerning this topic; the ball is clearly rolling concerning legalization, so I haven't been following it as closely as I have in the past.

I Just remember reading or hearing there were a few people in prison on "marijuana charges". As Steve-O said in a previous post, maybe there were other more serious charge associated with them as well.

Joe Biden won't hesitate to manipulate people with clearly empty gestures weeks before an election. That's simply the kind of person he has spent his entire life being. The fact Kamala Harris was chosen to be his VP given her history of putting people in prison for drugs should tell you he couldn't care less about them beyond using them like a prop when convenient.