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#1 MK-Professor
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@Maroxad said:

Don't forget, Trump may end up raising the taxes on everyone after 2025. After his temporary tax relief ends. The government is arguably bigger under Trump than it has ever been.

We can only imagine how much bigger the government would have been if democrats had won in 2016

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#2 MK-Professor
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@zaryia said:

What does that matter when Dems are better for the economy and people prosper more under them?

Oh and,

Dow swings 600 points after Trump rejects stimulus plan

Except that are not better for the economy, and sorry I don't see myself prosper more while the government takes a big chunk of my income and want to control every aspect of my life with more and more regulations.

We need to wake up, regardless of who we vote we need to persuade the government into pushing for low taxes and less regulations, and NOT asking the government for more handouts and free stuff, these aren't going to do you any good, you will still stay poor, become lazy, and become dependent to the government as a result become easy to control.

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#3  Edited By MK-Professor
Member since 2009 • 4214 Posts

@Maroxad said:
@MK-Professor said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

How anyone can still support trump is mindboggling to me........

Maybe because people love low taxes & small government?

Did you see Trump's tax reform?

Not as simple as you think it is.

A lot of the tax cuts are temporary, and may actually end up resulting in a tax hike after 2025.

Small Government? Not really. Government expenditure has only increased since Trump got into office. Not saying this is because of Trump. But Trump hasnt done anything to shrink the government. Especially considering the military waste he is dumping money into.

Democrats (and everyone who is leaning to socialism) always want to increse taxes and regulations, Republicans will do that but on a much less extend, both are bad, but we have to choose the lesser evil.

My idieal goverment is to have 0% tax for everyone (income tax, propertity tax, etc) and remove the majority of the regulations that we have today. Neither trump or biden is close to that, but trump is a little bit closer, so I am going with that.

Nothing mindboggling to that...

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#4 MK-Professor
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@LJS9502_basic said:

How anyone can still support trump is mindboggling to me........

Maybe because people love low taxes & small government?

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#5 MK-Professor
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The silent majority oppose the left ideology, so for them voting for Trump doesn't look like a bad choice. So I think it's 50-50 for who will win.

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#6 MK-Professor
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I took the political compass test, and it looks about right.

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#7  Edited By MK-Professor
Member since 2009 • 4214 Posts

@LJS9502_basic: You misunderstood me, I am not in favor of the complete absence of government, but in favor of a government that intervenes with the lives of their citizens to a much lesser extent compared to socialist governments.

@zaryia: ok so me going outside have the potential to kill more people than oppressive governments (like communism and nazism governments)? I am having a hard time believing that.

The funny thing is that the whole argument starter days ago when Zaryia ask why someone under 40 supports Trump, and I reply politely (I am a simple man, I like low taxes and small government) and peopel freak out after that. Apparently you have to be irrational to support Trump...

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#8 MK-Professor
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@LJS9502_basic said:

No. When there is a major danger the government should steer the ship. Protect yourself from the flu? Do you think any country that left it down to individuals would have recovered? That's just not a rational answer. If you live in society you have to deal with rules. Period. Otherwise from a deserted island and do whatever the hell you want.

Also this is NOT the flu. Stop fighting science.

Government should never take our freedom no matter what, I can comfortably say that governments can artificial create "major dangers" in order to take our freedom and control as.

@leicam6 said:

Of course they do. Are you aware of social contract theory? It’s the entire basis of western society and liberal democracy. You give up some “freedom” to live and participate in organized society with everyone which includes paying taxes and following rules and regulations that the government sets out.

You take advantage of government infrastructure like roads, clean water, schools, and the economic systems and market that the government creates, hence you have to pay taxes to fund those services as well as services for the overall well being of society like healthcare.

All of this is extremely basic that I’m blown away you actually think the government has no right to do it lol. American libertarianism that tries to make ”freedom” the end all be all is really quite absurd and almost comical.

I have to say it again, I said I am in favor of small government, NOT anarchy or the complete absence of government. I don't take advantage of government infrastructure like roads, clean water becasue I pay for these things only when I use them not with a percentage of my income. On the other hand I am against the massive amounts of regulations, military, welfare system(like benefits, schools, healthcare etc). And always remember, it is never ok to steal someone's money and freedom.

@zaryia said:

It's not about total freedom. People's lives are at risk. You don't have the freedom to kill people. This is worse than the Flu.

Also if you cared so much about true freedom, why is your side primarily anti-abortion and where most anti-cannabis push back comes from?

Governments kill people with the oppression, not me going out side...

I don't like the idea of abortion but on the other hand woman have the right to have an abortion, and also I don't agree with the anti-cannabis push.

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#9 MK-Professor
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@LJS9502_basic said:

Oh stop with that crap. You don't have the freedom to endanger other people.

I don't endanger other people, if you want to protect yourself from the flu you are free to do it with your own means, NOT with the government telling us what to do, we are not toddlers.

@drunk_pi said:

If you look past at all oppressive governments, you notice that they share common traits: Discrimination against minority groups; lack of protection of human rights; and high rates of economic inequality. Lack of governance is when there is no established or legitimate government, hence Somalia is an example of a place where there is a lack of governance or no real legitimate authority.

If big government is an issue when there is universal access to healthcare, a welfare system, and free education, why are European states just as free, if not freer, than the United States? It seems they're doing a better job at having freedom and having a generous welfare system, while we can't do either one correctly.

But please, when you're having a medical emergency, don't rely on fire & rescue because those guys are government employees. And please don't use those government roads. ;)

First of all I said I am in favor of small government, NOT anarchy or the complete absence of government. (so the comments about Somalia, fire & rescue and roads make no sense)

Government have absolutely no right to steal my income, to heavily regulate how I conduct business, to interfere with my healthcare and education, to limit my free speech, to tell me if it is ok to go outside etc.

What you said are not common traits of oppressive governments, sure "Discrimination against minority groups" is a bad thing, and also "human rights" is subjective to the beliefs of the government. But high rates of economic inequality is great thing, because people are different from one to another, we have different interests, goals, priorities, will and capabilities as a result a completely different economic outcome. Socialism try to bump everyone down to the lowest common denominator to make everyone equal and that is why I vote against that.

Europe have ample amount of regulations and huge income taxes 50-80% in some countries that offer all this crap (universal access to healthcare, a welfare system, and free education) that in my book is not freedom, and the funny thing is that socialists in europe are still not happy with the amount of socialism that is going on, socialists will never stop until they achieve total communism.

@zaryia said:

Oh wow, these are the kind of people who vote Republican?

yes, the kind of people who value freedom.

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#10 MK-Professor
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@leicam6 said:

How exactly would your small government respond to COVID-19?

The best response to this virus is no response at all (we must protect our freedom at all cost), right now governments all over the world have reduced the freedom of it citizens.