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#1  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

He does not have the rights to Silent Hill. Dead series, dead with Konami.

Got the part right he lives off the work of his team. Who in the world of gaming puts A YOUR NAME GAME! After so many worked on it. As a director his role is important, a role he failed at since he did a bad job directing Death Stranding. Can anyone imagine... Grand Theft Auto V, A DAN HOUSER GAME! lmao

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#2 KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

No... im buying day 1 becuase it has MP. Have no idea if it will suck or not but will be first thing i play. If you only want the SP i guess just wait price drop. Bet the game will be short.

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#3 KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@sleepnsurf said:

Epic FPS, no more open world.

Yh this. Enough with fetch quest open world. Who would want to play another third person single player open world fetch quest at PS5 launch.. like Horizon 2, no thx. Give me an epic multiplayer/single FPS! Instead of Death Stranding ZzZzzzzzzzzzzzz, thats how i felt when playing it, gime a Decima engine ray traced 60fps powered multiplayer beast game! I swear if i see feminist horrible Aloy at PS5 reveal im closing stream lol.

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#4 KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

Too late. PS5 should be out soon after. It looks really good but problems i think are the instant death, game looks like it literally has no health. Getting hit in the foot looks like a headshot lmao. Plus i heard a dev long ago say they will give the console version aim assist... the retarded idea that console shooters for some reason need aim assist is just dumb. CoD to blame for this. Plus i dont find it realistic to ADS at close range. CoD to blame again. Aside from that game looks good, no HUD is cool. So many questions, does it have clan system (thats kinda exclusive to KZ lol), does it support M/K? I'm more hyped for CrossfireX tbh and with PS5 coming maybe we get lucky and Guerrilla actually do MP again so this game will be kinda forgotten.

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#5  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

Sony are too scared to travel so they cancel everything. They should just reveal it on state of play...

Don't expect the PS5 to match the power of the XSX. SERIES X will be the most powerful console, period. But i would love to know if at least it has BC and the games... we are like 9 months at most from the console and games being out (that is if virus is stopped,) and yet we seen NOTHING. I'm no longer interested in third person movie games, gime MP or die.

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#6 KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@onesiphorus said:

@KillzoneSnake: refrain from using "China guy." Like "China man" used in the past, it is racist.

Eh no, if its racist for you then grow up. If the outbreak was in Africa i would say some African dude or whatever, not racist. God people these days are crazy with the racist cards lol

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#7  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

Have no idea what OP talking about. 360/PS3 were very high end when they launch. I replaced my PC with them back then. Don't remember any PC game from 2006 or before looking like Killzone 2/3, GTAV, God of War III, Uncharted 2/3 or Gran Turismo 6 which ran at 1080p native, no joke, and almost looks as good as todays GT Sport. Sure they weren't 60 FPS but still ran good enough imo.

This next gen leap you talking about will be the smallest in history. 4K, raytracing and loading games in 1 second instead of 10... all them comments we gonna get on YT... it looks like a PS4 game lol...

I dont even know how the better graphics can make for better games. Back in the PS2 days when the hardware was trash ok, but these days? Nah...

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#8 KillzoneSnake
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@phbz said:

@KillzoneSnake: Still there's absolutely no reason to assume this is a bioweapon, nor a bioweapon aimed at killing only Asians, or released as a measure of population control, or made by the US then dropped in China. Or whatever bs Alex Jones managed to make you believe.

Everything points out it is, evidence is pretty clear. Do i need to post more vids of experts saying its a bioweapon? Nobody said it was done for population control, it got out who knows how. But you can believe whatever you want, like it came from the rotten bat soup. I believe in 1+1=2 and men cant get periods. Thanks Alex Jones for speaking the truth.

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#9 KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@vfighter said:

@KillzoneSnake: Holy shit balls bwahahahahaha...

bwahahhaha even main stream toilet paper is saying it bawahahhaaha.

While less inteligent people be like its some China guy who drank bat blood..... because that makes so much more sense in 2020!

Here even the NY Post bwahahhahahahahahhaha

Hundreds of animals drop dead with the crap they spraying. One with little common sense can see something is very wrong when the entire city of Wuhan got sprayed like a bioweapon had escaped... oh wait.. maybe because it did? Maybe because there actually is a biolab in Wuhan!!! lmao

But hey, its 2020, people call anything with intelligence a conspiracy theory.

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#10  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@uitravioience said:

Lol Corona Virus is a bioweapon. Imagine being that fucking stupid.

Yeh its American origen. Edited over there in the Wuhan Lab. Why do you think the doctor (he dead now) who started talking about it was locked up and silenced until it got out of hand. I bet you believe only 2000 china people died LMAO there is a Chinese cremation guy who said they had to burn 44,000 bodies cuz of the virus alone.

So keep believing it came from someone eating some rotten animal lmao i bet you believe Eipstein killed him self too LOOOOL