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#1 Shewgenja
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@StormyJoe: So, having a show is more important than having games?

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#2 Shewgenja
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@djoffer: Ridiculous?

A. I dont work for Engadget, so if you want to stick your head in the sand, avoid all forums and the internet in general for the next week or two.

B. If I have ever come into one of your threads and tried to soft-mod you, I profusely apologize as I think you could ask any poster who hates my guts and they will tell you that is something I just dont do. I don't engage in calling people alts, either. You can ask the moderators here if I report posts that break the forum rules without so much as saying a peep to the poster, though. That is how I conduct myself.

C. Want to give me a dollar for every Backwards Compatibility thread we have had in System Wars please?

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#3  Edited By Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

@djoffer: I was the first on this topic and I have a link from a mainstream website covering E3 news. Way to post off-topic while you're at it.

Feel free to add to the conversation. I left the OP plenty open ended for that.

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#4 Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

@sealionact: Seemed like you guys got treated like a comedy classic after over a decade planting your flag on "actual gameplay matters, not Sonys bullshots and cinematic trailer fog and mirrors tricksterism" just to not even see a gears game playable three months before launch.

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#5  Edited By Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

@thatdbfan: So, engadget is just Sony fanboy propoganda?

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#6  Edited By Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

It's a toss-up, to me, whether Square-Enix won E3 or if Nintendo did. They both had so much genuinely good things to show! The crowd was bonkers for SEs reveals and that is a gauge that always speaks for itself. Nintendo is demonstrating an uncanny ability to leverage the Japanese market and those developer relationships to bring some wonderful surprises to compliment their first party bombshells. Both get a 9.

PC Gaming Show: This show is getting better every year. Yeah, it's not the most well polished show but good gaming gods did they have some good stuff to show! They also interface the best of any show this year with the developers who make the games. If you skipped the PC Gaming Show this year, you missed something delightful. It's the show I would say is the most self-aware and delivers for its fans.

Ubisoft didn't suck this year! On top of finding a groove with the Watchdogs franchise that is genuinely fresh, they had the freaking Punisher to pop the cork on a new Ghost Recon. Such a nice touch! I also dont think they are given enough credit for their community outreach but I suspect that they are headed in a good direction long after the lights fade on this years E3 with that. Just the fact that they are giving AI teammates again shows that Ubisoft is listening and I always encourage that. Bonus point for the Ice-T "Dont be a toxic dick" video. Highly recommend looking that up if you want a laugh =)

Microsofts show was too much of a mixed bag to score it highly. The high points were obviously the Psychonauts 2 reveal, Halo Infinite, and Keanu Reeves. The Scarlet reveal was tone-deaf considering what was revealed about the PS5 already (if anyone from MS is reading this, I understand putting together a polished video takes weeks if not months to produce, but you could have kept Phil on stage to follow that up or just go ahead and scrap the video altogether to give a more intimate perception because first impressions matter). It wasn't a bad reveal, but it was pretty meh-tastic when you consider the build up to this. The bad points were all of the prerendered trailers for hotly anticipated games. That conference was an awfully big swing for a grounder to first base.

Devolver Digitals show was great fun but the games weren't as memorable as last years lineup. Great show, though, and always the most fun to watch at E3.

EA: boring.

The true winner of E3 was the new Terminator movie. For something we all know next to nothing about, its product placement was undeniable. Their marketing department hung over E3 almost as much a phantom menace as Sony.

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#7  Edited By Shewgenja
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@drlostrib: roffl! Just lol. If I was a brand loyalist, it would make me happy that one of the big three are failing. I wouldn't be out here in Internetland talking about how to fix it.

E3 after E3, I put a war chest aside to see if it is the year I finally get an XBox. The reason to do it simply doesn't materialize. For me, it's about the games. If XBox isn't going to put in work and get games I need one for, then so be it.

I've been a gamer long enough to respect the door that Atari, 3DO, CD-i, Ouya and Sega found. If a gaming brand isnt pushing things forward, then we don't need it. The pinnacle of fanboyism, at least to me, is the assertion that we "need" a console. They need us.

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#8 Shewgenja
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@drlostrib: there was a time when XBox was trying to erode our rights as consumers and as gamers. A head of marketing literally told a bunch of people at a conference that the data they could collect with Kinect was a "treasure trove"... which precipitated an investigation by the German government...

I wont make apologies for that. Ever. I am grateful that XBox navigated those waters correctly but let's not pretend for a second that there were sw lemmings urging MS to stay the course during all of that. For that matter, that SW Lems continue to urge MS into the corner that XBox finds itself with mis-cue after mis-cue.

I own it. God do I own it.

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#9  Edited By Shewgenja
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Nintendo is clearly firing on all cylinders. This makes me very happy! Good stuff being shown so far.

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#10  Edited By Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

@drlostrib: Its really a chicken or the egg argument. I don't care about the brand name on the plastic box so much as what is being done with that plastic box. For that matter, I dont excoriate Nintendo for not having a press conference.

Time and again, I post XBox news that is positive but that gets ignored. I post positivity and urge people to keep an open mind when it comes to the possibility of XBox making good moves, and again, ignored. I literally line out everything in black and white that MS could do to make me (and I imagine millions of others) to support XBox. Clearly, it gets ignored.

I am exactly as I am. Which, about now, is right. I would challenge you to consider that supporting the SW Lemming narrative is more anti-xbox than I could ever be. I would rather see XBox succeed than just make excuses for mediocrity. If that's really my bad, then consider that.