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#1 Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

I won't make it a poll because I don't think there is an absolute right answer, and want it to be discussion based, not based on votes. I'm very interested in videogame's potential as interactive fiction, and have gathered quite a bit of games that seem to execute this with great creativity and inspiration. I'll rank which ones I'm most interested in, and explain why from reviews I've read. Feel free to try to persuade me to think otherwise and re-rank them.

(Lowest Rank)
Xenogears: At bottom of list because although it supposedly has an epic tale that involves themes of religion and identity, I've read how poorly it tells its story due to long cut scenes.

Alundra: Although it may not be a traditional JRPG, I think it works in its favor of allowing the flow of story and gameplay to be more natural by being an action RPG.

Terranigma: Pretty much same feel from Alundra, although this is a SNES game and not a PS1.

Vagrant Story: Although I have no idea what the story is about, somehow the visual style is extremely captivating and unique.

Suikoden: This is where I begin to be intrigued more, not because of its plot, but how it allows freedom from player to make choices and deal with consequences.

Valkyrie Profile: Highest rank of interest to me, because of the way it allows player to choose when to complete each mission and in what order, when to fight the final boss, and it has multiple endings.

So which of these games do you think has the best story, and tells it in a way that takes most advantage of being in an interactive medium.

Feel free to add more games that I have not listed, but I am mainly interested in stories that are more mature and deal with more morally grey situations. I do not care what so ever for stories that simply follow the typical "feel good" save the world from 1-dimensional bad guy with help of perfect friends.

Also I have not played any of the games listed, and their descriptions may be inaccurate due to reading accounts of them and not experiencing them for myself.

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#2 Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

Liberals tend to deny procedural affirmative action in favor of preferential affirmative action.
People should always be hired based on presented skills and abilities, never taking into account race. But some would argue diversity of work place should be weighed in, which, doesnt sound convincing.

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#3  Edited By Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

NIER Automata? I dont know if its open world, but it looks like it. Original Nier had poor gameplay, but automata should be better. But the game hasnt released yet

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#4 Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

5. Blade Runner
4. Citizen Kane
3. Watchmen
2. Jin Roh
1. Havent found one so incredible I want to place at number 1

Top most anticipated to watch
5. Cache
4. Magnolia
3. Children of Men
2. Stalker (Tarkovsky)
1. Werckmeister Harmonies

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#6 Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

I just have to wonder how much of the games people list will actually be remembered down the road. A huge lack of creativity seems to persist in the industry. Most games seem to favor distracting people with bare bones leveling up systems that make them feel accomplished without any real challenge. Or unnecessarily realistic graphics that do not reflect realistic writing and characterization and put no real effort in crafting a setting and opt out for typical hollywood conveniently scripted action sequences, instead of letting the player explore things on their own accord. Everything is spoon fed.
Genre specifics are important to take into account, however, and my rant above mainly applies to shooters, RPGs, action-adventure, and most triple A games. I'm sure there are a lot of great indie puzzle games that challenge your mind in creative ways, but the problem is, they are still being considered indie, and not the norm.

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#7 Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

"Best Story" and "FPS" do not sit well in my mind together. Bioshock is the only thing that comes to mind, but System Shock 2 looks better anyway. Only other decent story driven FPS I'm interested in playing is Brothers in Arms series. But even then it's just a WWII game, so how good could it be. I just hope the characters are believable and well written.

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#9  Edited By Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

champ, can you please play Pathologic and tell me what you think. It's a Russian game, make sure to get the Classic HD version cause the original has a butchered translation.

Basically three different "healers" come to some obscure unnamed village on the Russian steppe. The rulers of the village seem to have found a way to become immortal, but at the same time, must deal with a deadly secret the town possesses, one of them being a terrible form of bacteria.

Each character arrives for their own reasons, and you can play as all three for different perspectives. Meaning, three separate campaigns. No switching between each three. But each character still acts on their own accord in the story, even if you are not playing as them.

Game is weird as hell. Maybe not in a bad way, but it will be a turn off for many. Also, the game one-ups itself. It doesn't lose steam, but gets better, introduces more characters, more perspectives.

It's also hard. Not just in gameplay, but it challenges your mentality. Supposedly it was created as a stress simulator. Yeah...it's not fun in a traditional sense. But still satisfying in that you feel apart of the world and story.

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#10 Yoshi9000
Member since 2010 • 479 Posts

Foreign art-house films, which I guess could be considered blockbusters in their respective countries.