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#1  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

KZ2 looks better than most PS4 shooters. It needs a remaster.

Guerrilla are far better programers and PS3 had CELL. One GG dev recently said, CELL is more powerful than todays Intel CPU's... it was just too hard to work with, but the power was unreal. Reason why PS3 had better looking games than 360 even though it had weaker GPU and crappy RAM. If only they continued with CELL and made it easier to work with... oh my...

Halo 4 looks like poop compared to KZ2

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#2 KillzoneSnake
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@tormentos said:

If you didn't die during the 720p x box days PS5 fans will be ok with 4k.

You fanboys are trying to hard.

Oh and using the bothconsole moniker doesn't exclude you from the blind fanboy list.

Some of you don't read.

The GPU speed is 2.23GHZ almost all the time,it drops when the CPU requires more power,i don't think that will be the case much,but even with that it is been say that the machine should not drop from 10.1TF.

The gap will probably not hit 20% i don't see how that would = the PS5 getting smoke.

Some of you are clueless.

Yeah so taking power away from the CPU for the GPU to go full overclock lol. Nice one. For sure most of the time it will run at 9TF then.

Personally i dont care, i think its still a very powerful system. Hell im happy with the PS4 lol. BC news and more AAA game variety imo is more important. Its going to be a sad day for PS fanboys when digital foundry benchmarks both systems lol

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#3  Edited By KillzoneSnake
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@xantufrog said:

my bigger issue is the shit BC. PS5 would have been a no brainer with these specs for me if it played all my old PS games

Im still holding on for the PS reveal for BC news. This guy hiphopgamer on YT said we will have enhanced BC will all PS games... so i pressed him on this and he said dont worry wait for the reveal. So i will give it a chance because its true, this was not the reveal, it was a talk for developers that was supposed to happen at GDC. Reveal is when Sony actually show the console and games.

As for horsepower... PS5 is really gonna get smoked in benchmarks. The 10.2TF is only when the GPU is max throttle overclock lol while the XSX is standard 12.1. So the standard speed i guess will be 8 or 9 TF.... good luck getting high framerates at 4K/ray tracing....

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#4  Edited By KillzoneSnake
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@mrbojangles25 said:

Pretty thoughtless.

At times like this, we need to think of others more than we do of ourselves.

Kids these days...

@KillzoneSnake said:

There is no danger, so i dont see the problem. They should fear a future great depression like never before seen, not a cough. Just avoid going to your grandpas nursing home because it might give the final push to 1% of them.

And who told you this?

Plenty of smart people out there and using my own brain. Just one guy out of the top of my head, Gerald Celente. His job is to predict trends and he has a good record. I mean... it doesn't take a Celente to predict we are headed into economic meltdown. You cant shut the world down, not even in war time. Its lunacy, you cause more harm than you are trying to fix.... way more. The US still has a chance to not fall into the hole, i say less then a month. EU in the other hand looks to be lost with all the leftists goverments in Spain, France, Italy, its end game. I know a lot of people here who are not scared of hysteriavirus, they are scared of how they gonna put food on the table. People who lived paycheck to paycheck. Crime is gonna skyrocket. Sucicides.

A great depression like never before seen is something you cant just get out of. It can last 10 years, maybe 20 or by the looks of where humanity is going, death could be the only way out. Its like trying to take Venezuela out of their situation. Venezuela is a done deal. Go look at the crime over there. Coronawhat? More like thug stabbing you in the back to take your bread, that is more deadly. People there right now are like wash my hands? How do i do that if i dont even have water.

Like Trump says, ''WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF''. Completely overblown virus to levels never before seen in human history. Measures can be taken to fight this ''new flu'' but not suicide the world into a police state lol

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#5  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@PernicioEnigma said:
@KillzoneSnake said:

There is no danger, so i dont see the problem. They should fear a future great depression like never before seen, not a cough. Just avoid going to your grandpas nursing home because it might give the final push to 1% of them.

Your advice is contrary to that of every reputable expert on this subject. If you look at even the most optimistic projections things are going to get significantly worse in America than they are now. For a quarantine to be effective it needs to be the overwhelming majority of the population. Idiots like those spring breakers are fucking things up for the entire country.

What experts? All i see is the media scaring people. People dont even think for themselves. The same media that called Trump racist when he tried to close the border with China. The same media that now are calling him racist for calling it the Chinese virus, even though the media called it that before him. LMAO even more funny is how now they are against him on testing that malaria drug. From what i looked into it it looks really promising... why are they against testing a drug that might work very well.......................

Nice to see Trump starting to wake up and not fall for the agenda leftists/chicoms are pushing. Like Trump says, its a bad flu season, we expect around 50,000 deaths in the US alone just for the flu. The is way more than 50K people going to the hospital. And yes, COVID is real, if its one thing it is highly cotagious. But deadly? Hell no. Over 90% of deaths are people chronically ill. You got countries like Spain and Italy with crazy high death ratio compared to other countries... WHY? Not only are they countries with many old people, but they are completely overblowing it by listing any old person dieing that has the bug as a coronavirus death. Old people who are chronically ill. Old people die, its normal. Yes someone young can die, but that is extremely hard. In my country a 31 year old died, but he had terminal leukemia...... yeah put him in the corona list!

You like MOST people are brainwashed. You cant even state FACT, NUMBERS, NOTHING.

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#6  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

There is no danger, so i dont see the problem. They should fear a future great depression like never before seen, not a cough. Just avoid going to your grandpas nursing home because it might give the final push to 1% of them.

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#7  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@foxhound_fox said:
@KillzoneSnake said:

The only thing collapsing hospitals is the mental hysteria. Never in my life i went to the hospital when i got the flu lol.

Lets take a look at the death count... 10,000 in a world of 7,700,000,000. Nothing. Lets take a look at swine flu deaths in 2009, oh my 575,000 deaths with 1.4 BILLION INFECTED. And no collapse? Maybe because there was 0 hysteria by the media, maybe because globalists/leftists gov/chicoms did not start shutting down the entire world? Oh gee that might be it....

Those 10,000 people could have been your family or friends. Estimates are currently at somewhere between 1-2.5 million Americans could die over the next year from COVID-19 or indirectly due to hospital bed space/equipment/staff shortages.

Is that "just a small percentage" too?

I guess i should hide in a hole because the flu kills way more. Nice estimates.... we will be lucky if it even hits 100K. Nothing compared to any past outbreaks. Look at the Spanish flu, that was way worse and nobody locked down the entire planet. Even the tribe people in America survived the conquistador invasion, not only they had to deal with the conquistadors killing them, but a flu that was like an alien bacteria, their bodies never experienced anything like it.

Millions of years of evolution, adapting to all sorts of bugs and here we are in 2020 hiding from a flu that kills like 1% of elder people who most have other illness. Instead of adapting to something we might have to live with. Has any child died? Yet they are locked up instead of adapting to this new cough.

But anyway, what will really kill people is the economic meltdown. Once this clears, if it even does, we will be left with a destroyed economy. Some countries will turn into Venezuela. Then you can enjoy a much higher death rate!

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#8 KillzoneSnake
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Japan for sure. There was a time western games were cool too and better for online. These days though i feel like western devs are terrible and just looking at their twitter profiles you see why.

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#9 KillzoneSnake
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I'm getting into RE again, playing RE2R, trying out RE3R demo, then RER beta, then hopefully get the game if possible in this insane world. I don't follow any of the rules because its all BS to collapse society, change the world as we know it. There is more chance i fall out my window than a flu killing me. And social distancing? It was always a good idea to distance from most people LOL but no im not brainwashed to distance from humans i dont mind being close to.

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#10  Edited By KillzoneSnake
Member since 2012 • 2761 Posts

@horgen said:
@Gaming-Planet said:

Can't go to the gym.

GF is being prevented from seeing me because of her parents are using the quarantine as an excuse to distant us.

On the bright side, I have TP, plenty of food to last me several weeks to months, and I'm healthy. Also getting paid to stay home.

You or her in quarantine?

@KillzoneSnake said:

Its just becuase its something new to us. With time our immune systems will adapt to it. We need to live with it, not hide in a hole. The old weak and sick die, that is part of life. Its like if someone is sick in a building and some old guy dies there so everyone starts jumping out the window. The global hysteria is going to collapse society, the world will never be the same again.

If we had continued as normal, our healthcare systems would collapse. If those collapses, a lot of people will die that could have been prevented. A lot of people will get less healthcare than they need and will have to suffer from illness more than necessary.

But I guess that is not important as long as you are not affected, right?

The only thing collapsing hospitals is the mental hysteria. Never in my life i went to the hospital when i got the flu lol.

Lets take a look at the death count... 10,000 in a world of 7,700,000,000. Nothing. Lets take a look at swine flu deaths in 2009, oh my 575,000 deaths with 1.4 BILLION INFECTED. And no collapse? Maybe because there was 0 hysteria by the media, maybe because globalists/leftists gov/chicoms did not start shutting down the entire world? Oh gee that might be it....